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6-21-2010 Rubbish & Recycling Committee
POSTED:  June 17, 2010

MEETING of the Burrillville Rubbish and Recycling Committee to be held Monday, June 21, 2010 at 6:00 P.M. at the Town Building, 105 Harrisville Main Street, Harrisville, RI.

Members Present:  Donald Fox, Colleen Joubert, Robyn Volpini, Town Manager or designee, Director of Public Works or designee.

Other Members Present:

Members Absent:

Public Comment:

1)      That the question of approving minutes of the regular meeting of the Burrillville Rubbish and Recycling Committee held on May 17, 2010, and the special meetings held on May 11 and May 26, 2010, and the question of dispensing with the reading of said minutes; be now taken up.

Unfinished Business to be considered and acted on:

2)      Discussion/action relative to community outreach

a)      Farmer’s Market participation on June 26, 2010

b)      Advertising in local publications

3)      Discussion/action relative to Town Council workshop scheduled for June 21, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.

New Business to be considered and acted on:  None

4)      Review and discuss the items proposed for future meetings

5)      Adjournment